We are committed to having your kids thrive in the tech space. They will learn to create games, websites, apps etc. in no distant time. We believe in inclusivity and encourage both the girl child and the boy child to try and find their feet in the tech ecosystem.


Game Development 1
Scratch is a great way of introducing very young kids to programming. It can be used to create interactive games and applications.
Game Development 2
This is Game Development for more advanced kids in the field of Scratch programming. It builds upon the previous lessons in Scratch.
web dev 1
Website Development 1
This is an intensive course that is focused on teaching the principles of web design and development. This is a very lucrative career path.
Website Development 2
Learn the core principles of design and layouts in this course. We also work kids through how to use design tools like Figma and FigJam.
Excel Spreadsheet

Excel Spreadsheet is a very important tool in various fields like data analysis and academics. Spreadsheet is a tool that is relevant in almost every organization.

Graphics Design Course

Learn the core principles of design in this course. We work through different graphics design tools like Photoshop, Canva etc.

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